- Capital: Arroch
- Government: Caliphate Triumvirate
- General Alignment: Neutral w/ Evil tendencies
- Population: ~18,000,000 (~64/sq. mile)
- Area: 280,000 square miles
- % Cultivated: 35% (~100,000 sq. miles)
- Major Cities/Capitals:
- Arroch: Capital of the region; largest bazaar on the continent, where anything and everything is for sale.
- Cities:
- Abu Drenis: One time pirate stronghold, now a wholly devout religious city.
- Dakkar: Key city for caravans crossing the Sandstorm Desert.
- Kundar: The Great Oasis. A refuge in the desert, where desert nomads gather.
- Abu Qatar: Breadbasket of the Bloodcoast.
- Sirennus: Key exporter of incense and strange medicines.
- Kaspar: Quiet city of farmers and seafarers. Famous for Kasparian Sailfin.
- Townships: Abu Quar, Jordis, Lyr, Highhold, Fyrst, Sunnis
Climate: Dry, warm to hot. The Bloodcoast region, as it is known, receives intermittent rainfall. The summer months are characterized by the monsoons, where it rains for 40 days at a time. The rest of the year is typically hot and dry, though the winter months at times see sustained rainfall. Snow occurs infrequently in the lower plains, and never in the upper plains.
Geography: The Bloodcoast is dominated by plains and desert. There are the upper and lower plains: the Plains of Solis and the Plains of Sunia, and the great Sandstorm Desert. The lower plains stretch into the Kingdom of Muriah, and many large field battles occurred along the Great River. To the south are the Forests of Myrh, or the Elven Forests.
History and Politics: The Bloodcoast region began as a series of nomadic peoples settled the region during the Dawn of Man. There were four distinct tribes: those of the upper plains (the Arroch), two in the lower plains (the Sentalli and the Saheli), and the nomads of the desert, the Qayaffi. The Saheli were eventually destroyed, and absorbed by the Sentalli, and the remaining three tribes skirmished and warred for centuries.
Sometime during the Endless War, around EH 2300, the three tribes would face their greatest rival, which would set the stage for the regions development for centuries to come: The Ravlish.
On an island many leagues off the continent there developed a tribe of bezerkers known as the Ravlish. Little is known about how they arrived there, or how they discovered their way back, but they would. And it was to the Bloodcoast that they would first come. These mighty warriors raided and pillaged coastal towns, hitting the Arroch worst of all, but soon extending their warfare along the Sandstorm Desert communities, and even down the coast along the lower plains, where the Sentalli were just recovering from their long wars with the Saheli. The three remaining tribes called council, and agreed to unite, if only to throw off these agressors from across the sea. A united effort to construct a mighty navy began, and over a hundred ships sailed from the port of Arroch, to invade the Ravlish, and bring war to their own lands.
While the fleet was underway, Chief Huri XV was turning his forces north to unite the continent of Muriah under his banner. With so much effort thrown into defeating the Ravlish, the three tribal leaders were forced to capitulate, pledging fealty to the new king. This further cemented the three tribes into solidarity, and they themselves called their unity the Bloodcoast Consortium.
Meanwhile, the fleet from Arroch met the main Ravlish fleet, and the largest naval battle in history took place. For five days and nights, ships crashed into one another, and launched spears and nets, while men battled in ships and sea. The waters were said to have turned red from the dieing, and great sharks from the world over circled the engagement waiting for those who fell overboard. The Ravlish were defeated, though the Bloodcoast forces were too battered to continue the invasion, and returned to Arroch.
The Bloodcoast also has the dubious honor in history as being the area to instigate the Godwars. Followers of Solis – the religion is and has always been very strong in the region – successfully summoned the avatar of Solis, which allowed other avatars to walk the land.
The Bloodcoast Consortium is a Caliphate, governed by three Sultans, one from each of the traditional tribes. Successor Sultans are typically chosen by the church of Solis, in a special ceremony. In practice, it is typically a hereditary monarchy. The three Sultans rule by majority, and there has been no lack of intrigue and political machinations between the three sultanates. Each Sultan appoints heads of each city or town – Caliphs – to govern, who in turn appoint local governors.
Laws: The Bloodcoast tends to have very strict, and very harsh, laws. An Eye for an Eye is the standard motif; theft typically costs the thief a hand or a finger for a first offense. Many serious offenses result in death by sword. Culturally, the society is very conservative, and very closed.
Bloodsports are legal in the Bloodcoast region, with gladiatorial contests common in every major city and most smaller towns. Religion is also taken very seriously in the region, with any disrespect given to a member of a recognized faith resulting in very severe penalties. Clerics of Midir do not have a role in the court system, though they offer their services (along with Bormir) as representative agents (lawyers, and moneylenders, are technically illegal in the region).
Economics: Taxes and tithes to the government are fairly steep, being charged for almost every good. Graft is also common amongst the tax collectors, however, so often travelers to the region end up paying more than they are legally obliged. Typically collected during the highsun ceremonies in each season, a portion of the monies collected goes towards religious institutions of the region.
A major exporter of incense and spices, the region is also a major producer of food, mostly to the large cities to the south. Another key export is military expertise, as consultants or soldiers.
Military and Clout: The Bloodcoast has a typical sized army, but they are renowned for their navy. The most skilled and adept seamen hail from this region, and more often than not they are veterans from continued skirmishes and raids against and by the Ravlish.