Arcane Guildtowers (Affiliation)

  • Scale: 12 (Individual Towers: 4-6)
  • Capital: 12 (Individual Towers: 4-6)
  • Alignment: Varies by tower
  • Symbol: Varies by tower
  • Active Regions: All of the Kingdom of Muriah except The Great Untamed.
Tower Name (Specialty)SymbolAlignment
Tower of Arl (Evocation)Inverted TriangleNeutral
Tower of Kore (Conjuration)PentagramNeutral
Tower of Nin (Enchantment)Conjoined CirclesNeutral
Tower of Vas (Transmutation)Inscribed SquareNeutral
Tower of Des (Illusion)Three TrianglesNeutral
Tower of Jur (Divination)Two Parallel BarsNeutral
Tower of Lok (Necromancy)Crossed BarsNeutral Evil
Tower of Bail (Abjuration)Concentric CirclesNeutral Good


Founded in the Era of Kings, 1300, the Mage’s Guildtowers, or the Mage’s Guild, are a powerful, though relatively neutral, force in the realm. They gained practical autonomy from the King due to their service in the defeat of the Three (powerful necromancers bent on enslaving the kingdom). In return, they swore to defend the kingdom against outside threats.


The Guildtowers are actually several separate, loosely united individual affiliations. These delegations choose a ruling body of 7 representatives (one from each tower), and one Grand Magister, to represent the interests of all wizards throughout the Kingdom of Muriah.

Each tower mimics this organization, with their individual Grand Magister serving on the delegation to the Castle of Controlling Power, followed by a regional High Magister, and local Tower Magister in each individual city or town. Individual towers can be considered separate affiliations, typically with a Scale of 4-6. Members register with a local tower, and move up in the ranks in that particular tower, though transferring registration to a new tower is simple, and fairly common.


The Guildtowers have several goals: Codify and advance magical learning, protect the Kingdom of Muriah from outside forces, and control arcane magic in the Kingdom.

The Guildtowers have managed to push thru laws in various provinces outlawing the practice of arcane magic by non-guild members (the exception is Bardic magic, which is protected by the Bardic College and the Temple of Tethos). The guildtowers also strongly encourage mages to specialize; even generalist mages must associate with one of the individual towers (though there is an underground sub-culture amongst generalists).

Wetilla (Large City)

  • Classification: Large City
  • Population: ~18,500
  • Wealth: Moderate
  • Major Industry: Trade, Wood Products, Raw Timber
  • Specialty Goods: Mighty Bows, Fine Wines, Stoutwood
  • Populace Average Alignment: Neutral
  • Leader Alignment: Neutral
  • Government and Leadership: Feudal Monarchy, Duke Charles DuMontis
Human: 74% Half-Elf: 3% Elf: 10%
Dwarf: 1% Gnome: 2% Halfling: 8%
Half-Orc: 1% Other: 1%

History: Wetilla was founded in EK 344 as a logging camp, and quickly grew into a sizeable trading post. Its ideal location at the conjunction of two rivers made it into a viable trade center between the old Elven capital of Arborlon, and the cities of Capaal and Tourmaline. The abundant forest and fertile land surrounding the city also provided plenty of industry and agriculture.

City Lore: Cuisine in Wetilla is typical Northeastern fare: pheasant, pork, roast tubers, stout breads, and several local wines, many of Elven influence. Wetillan cuisine also makes use of the bounty of fish provided by the confluence of rivers. Locals tend to be practical sorts, with many laying claims to more rural roots than most urban dwellers. Dress is commonly earth tones and greens, with conservative cuts and styles. Most residents carry or wear hats and parasols, as it rains fairly frequently.

Demographically, Wetilla is a human city, though with a sizeable population of Elves and Half-Elves. Being the gateway towards the Knife Edge Mountains, Wetilla sees a fair number of dwarven goods pass thru, along with dwarven merchants. Crime is moderate, in Wetilla. The Crimson Cutpurses run the show. They are a flamboyant lot, and avoid violent crimes, preferring protection rackets, petty theft, and burglary.

Wetilla has only two Guildtowers, but a large wizard population for the city’s size. Enchantment and Conjuration services are available. The main Church is of Sunia, with other temples devoted to Solis, Sunia, Vesparta, Astalus, Corrine, Midir, Bormir, and Tethos. The Bardic College is quite sizeable, serving Wetilla and outlying areas. The two warrior’s guilds have a tense rivalry. The Sword and Shield Association is larger, and better organized, than the Axebasher’s Guild, but the latter has recently acquired considerable manpower.

Landmarks/Places of Interest:

  • In the city square, a statue commemorating the battle of Archer’s Glade depicts a lone ranger drawing his bow against an unseen opponent.
  • The Tavern of the Rising Sun is reputed to be one of the best in the region.

Advertisement Flyer

Nostalus (Deity)

  • Spheres: Moon, Dark Magic, Spirits
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Power: Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol: Crescent Moon
  • Favored Weapon: Dagger
  • Influence: Patron of evil magicians, necromancers, the undead.
  • Domains: Darkness, Deathbound, Drow, Force, Illusion, Moon, Mysticism, Spell, Spider, Undeath, Death, Evil, Trickery, Magic, Necromancy, Shadow

Description: Covered in gossamer black silk, Nostalus is a beautiful young girl, whose eyes twinkle with mischief and, at times, malevolence.

Lore and Knowledge: Nostalus is one of the deities charged with maintaining the Veil. Favoring the dark magics, she reveals dark secrets to those who seek them, stealing them from her mother, Enchantra. A mysterious deity, it is unknown where she keeps residence.

Followers: Those who make use of subterfuge and stealth, and those who practice the dark arts, all pay homage to Nostalus. Few outside of the shadows give her any respect, and all sects devoted to her worship are outlawed in Good civilizations. The drow venerate her, along with the Demon-Goddess Lloth.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Cultists of the Dark Shadow: Outlawed church of Nostalus.
  • Fang of the Cobra Guild: Premier assassin’s guild of Muriah.
  • Weavers of Mysteries: Secretive cult of magicians wielding strange powers.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Nostalus are worshippers of the Holy Shadow. They must be Evil. Clerics of Nostalus must wear some dark or black clothing at all times, even if it is just a small scrap. Silver and onyx are both considered sacred to clerics of Nostalus.

Clerics of Nostalus are generally outlawed from open worship in most civilizations. They tend to meet on rooftops or dark alleys at night to perform their dark rituals. These rituals involve many candles, and often large numbers of ravens, which are considered holy to cultists of Nostalus.

Clerics of Nostalus can Rebuke/Control undead. They also tend to have an affinity for magics involving dark magic, and gain +1 Caster Level with spells of the Dark or Shadow descriptor.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft, Hide, Move Silently

Favored Soul: Borne and bred of darkness and shadow, Favored Souls of Nostalus shun the light and daytime. They tend to be mischievious and cruel. The suffer -1 Will saves in bright light, but +1 Will saves in shadow or darkness. They also gain +2 circumstance bonus to Hide in Shadows.

Mortis (Deity)

  • Spheres: Life, Death, Mortality
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Power: Greater Deity
  • Symbol: Circle
  • Favored Weapon: Scythe
  • Influence: Patron of some necromancers, morticians.
  • Domains: Balance, Deathbound, Fate, Undeath, Animal, Plant, Healing, Death, Destiny, Repose, Spirit

Description: Always shown as a gaunt skeletal figure in black hooded robes, bearing a scythe and a dusty tome: the Book of Souls.

Lore and Knowledge: Mortis governs the cycle of life, from birth to death. He does not judge, he merely facilitates the passage of souls from the wellspring of the Positive Energy plane to their eventual residence in the outer planes. Mortis has been around since life first began, and it is said he will close the Book of Souls when the last living creature dies.

Followers: The followers of Mortis are divided into two camps: the good and neutral followers worship Mortis out of a respect for life, and death. They tend to seek to give people an understanding of the cycle, and to ease and comfort those in their time of loss. The evil sects tend to seek power from Mortis by sending as many sacrifices to the god as possible, or to seek ways to cheat death itself. Most sentient creatures are at least aware of, and respectful of, Mortis.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Church of the Unbroken Cycle: Official church of Mortis.
  • Shrine of the Undertaker: Outlawed, evil sect of Mortis
  • Brotherhood of the Circle: Organization devoted to defeating those who’d cheat death.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Mortis must be partially neutral. There is a canon for Mortis, describing the birth-death cycle, and the nature of life and death. Vestments by sect: Clerics of the Unbroken Circle wear black robes, with grey phylacteries, where Clerics of the Undertaker wear black robes with red phylacteries. Clerics of Mortis must be celibate and chaste.

Clerics of Mortis can Turn/Rebuke Undead. They receive a +2 save vs. Death effects.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft

Favored Soul: Favored Souls of Mortis represent the forces of life, or death. They tend towards either philosophical contemplators, or sociopaths and serial killers. They must be partially neutral. Favored Souls of Mortis gain the Death Touch ability, as if they were Clerics with the Death Domain.

The League of Cities (Dyninn Forest)

  • Capital: Tourmaline
  • Government: Feudal Monarchy
  • General Alignment: Neutral (Pragmatic)
  • Population: ~25,000,000 (~50/sq mile)
  • Area: 500,000 sq. miles
  • % Cultivated: 27% (135,000 sq. miles)
  • Major Cities/Capitals:
    • Tourmaline: Capital of the region, known for fine jewels and magic services
    • Capaal: Renowned for the baths and natural springs; an ancient Elven city.
    • Arborlon: This Elven capital is a hub of culture and art.
  • Cities:
    • Andors: Sister city to Wetilla; deals in logging and livestock.
    • Wetilla: Lumber and woodmaking city; situated at the confluence of three rivers
    • Eastbreak: Fishing and trading city; last port around the Cape of Hope.
    • Farview: Primary trading port for the Dalelands.
    • Port Hugis: Navy town, with extensive dockyards for ship construction.
    • Port Farthis: Mining and sailing city; most inland port for the League.
    • Niondel: Elven city; famous for silks. Home of the Silk Lords.
    • Clydemaark: Human and dwarven city known for its river boats.
    • Dun Morig: Dwarven city; major exporter of cold iron.
    • Harborpost: Northernmost port city on the continent; vacation spot for rich nobles
  • Townships: Fenwick, Arrowdale, Jenkin’s Hole, Alyn, Lind, Sailor’s Rest, Dun Vast, Tulis, Farport, Wending

Climate: Temperate, Warm. The Dyninn Forest area receives ample rainfall, with the Tuluvian Jungle being a true rainforest. Severe thunderstorms are common in the summer, and typically one or two major snowfalls in the winter. Fall and spring are mild, with considerable temperature variances.

Geography: The League of Cities is situated mostly amidst the great Dyninn Forest, named after the first Elven King of the region. Despite the sizeable population centers present, especially along the eastern coast, there are still vast tracts of unspoiled wilderness. The region has several strategic natural borders, protecting it from most invaders; namely the Black Marsh to the south, and the Knife Edge mountains, part of the Dwarven Clanlands. Ample grasslands serve as the region’s breadbasket, mostly around the capital of Tourmaline.

History and Politics: The League of Cities is a loose association of mostly isolated city-states of varying power: from mighty Tourmaline, Arborlon, and Capaal, down to the minor players of Wetilla, Andors, and Niondel, etc. The League came into existence in response to the threat of the Rising of the Three, around ER 1260, as a pact of common defense against that terrible terror. Despite this effort, the Three would ravage the Dyninn region, with many cities - such as Oeatrus, a major center of learning and history - being completely razed and lost.

Before, and after, the Rising of the Three, inter-city conflicts were common, especially between the main power centers of Capaal, Arborlon, and Tourmaline. The Kingdom of Muriah would play on these internecine struggles to force the region to declare fealty, but even now occasional border disputes strain relations between towns and cities. The region has also long been a hotbed of racial conflicts, mainly between the Clan dwarves and the Arborlonian elves, with the humans taking varying sides. These feuds have been quiet for centuries, but both races have long memories.

The League, or more specifically the cities within the league, have always been more interested in commerce than any other pursuit. The natives of this region are stereotyped as having a certain air of pragmatic self-interest. As such, mercantilism is the order of the day, and many of the main merchant guilds have considerable political clout in the region. The League has some of the most lenient business laws of all the regions, making it a strong area of innovation and development.

The pragmatic nature of the majority of the residents of the Dynnin also make them fairly tolerant (for good and ill). Second only to the Free States in diversity, almost anything and everything can be found or purchased at one of the cities here. All of the major races, and most of the minor ones, have enclaves or communities within the region. The Fey are common throughout the Dynnin, as well, as are many sylvan creatures.

Laws: Laws very slightly from city to city within the League, though major crimes are mostly standardized: murder, treason, arson, aggravated assault, etc. are all punishable by death. Lesser crimes very more widely, from a simple fine to extensive hard labor or forced incarceration. Occasionally banishment is given for a repeat offender of petty crimes. The courts are managed by the Temple of Divine Justice (Midir), to ensure fairness and justice, though clerics of Bormir also practice law.

Economics: Taxes are collected and enforced at the pleasure of the local ruling nobility, or village reave. They are often collected once per season. Some Duchies have road tolls for popular highways (and some con-men and bandits have attempted to set up their own 'tax stations'). Generally, though, taxes are relatively low in the region, as each duchy competes for commerce with the others. Any significant increase generally causes an exodus of merchants and wealth, and fewer coins in the pockets of the guildmasters.

Most municipalities have an organized thieve's guild, often tolerated by the governing body as a necessary evil. As long as they do not overstep their bounds, they are allowed to perpetuate their minor crimes. Banditry is a bigger problem: the vast areas of unsettled wilderness allow for many a bandit company to operate within the Dynnin.

The region is a major exporter of lumber and wood products, as well as gems, precious metals, and grains from the Dyninn grasslands. The region imports hard metals and a variety of other trade goods. Overall, the region is a net exporter of goods, providing a fair bit of wealth for the merchants settled there.

Military and Clout: The League of Cities is a fairly powerful force on the continent. The navy is second only to the Bloodcoast Consortium, and is experienced at stopping pirate excursions from farther south. The army focuses on mobility and skirmishing tactics, with much of their tactics and strategy taken from the Elves. They are well-equipped, as Dyninn bows are renowned throughout the kingdom.

Morphius (Deity)

  • Spheres: Decay, Disease, Famine, Filth, Suffering, Sloth
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Power: Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol: Rat
  • Favored Weapon: Scourge
  • Influence: Patron of plague bearers, the diseased, the sufferers, and wererats.
  • Domains: Deathbound, Hunger, Pestilence, Retribution, Slime, Sloth, Spider, Suffering, Evil, Destruction, Death, Decay, Hunger, Pestilence

Description: Images of Morphius vary greatly, from a formless mass of flies, to a corpulent slug. All emphasize filth and disease.

Lore and Knowledge: The Bloated One, or the Suffering One, Morphius is known only for the evil he brings to the world. Diseases, plagues, and famine are his hallmark. Many minor deities serve in his court, each representing one aspect of suffering and sin attributed to Morphius. Morphius is greatly allied with Tiranus.

Followers: Followers of Morphius consist only of those who have suffered, and sought solace thru pledging fealty to the Lord of Decay, or those who wish to see others suffer. Worship of Morphius is outlawed in all civilizations. Even the monstrous humanoid societies of the orcs and bugbears despise worshippers of Morphius. Only the goblins tolerate, barely, his shrines.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Shrine of Utter Decay: The outlawed church of Morphius.
  • Warriors of the Rat: A vile organization devoted to spreading disease.
  • Plaguebearers: Terminally infected individuals who travel from location to location spreading their suffering, in return for more time.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Morphius are outlawed in practically all civilizations, as they are a bane to society. They often pose as beggars or the homeless, which has led to draconian measures against both groups in some places. There are no vestments required for Clerics of Morphius, though there is a canon. The canon details the great sufferings of the world, and talks of personal enlightenment and power thru suffering.

Clerics of Morphius are not allowed to bathe. Rats are holy to Morphius, as agents of the dark god. Their holy symbol is a mummified rat that was specially sacrificed to the god.

Clerics of Morphius must be Evil. They can Rebuke/Control undead, and are immune to disease.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft, Bluff, Hide

Favored Soul: Favored Souls of Morphius embody pain and suffering. Tormented souls, they seek to spread their suffering to others, in a wicked sense of justice. They are immune to disease, and can Cause Disease by touch, 1/day (disease is random).

Dyninn Forest (West)

Midir (Deity)

  • Spheres: Law, Justice, Truth, Honor, Vengeance
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Power: Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol: Balance
  • Favored Weapon: Warhammer
  • Influence: Patron of judges, officials, vigilantes.
  • Domains: Community, Dwarf, Inquisition, Nobility, Retribution, Tyranny, Protection, Law, Herald, Truth

Description: A stony-skinned, giant sized humanoid, bearing a set of scales in one hand, and a mighty warhammer in the other. Clad in dull iron full plate, Midir is a joyless god of pure law.

Lore and Knowledge: The Arbiter and the Judge, Midir is tasked with weighing the balance of souls who have passed on, and deciding to where they shall reside. It is he who maintains the presence of the world, and prevents it from returning to chaos. As such, it is said Midir set down the formal laws that govern the way things work. It is he who made up up, and down down.

Followers: Midir is not actively worshipped by many outside of nobility and those responsible for keeping the peace. The Kingdom of Muriah has tasked the church of Midir with serving as the only eligible judicial court in the lands. The Holy Empire of Astalon is the sole exception, replacing the clerics of Midir with that of Astalus. Dwarves also view Midir as their chief deity, since he espouses the ideals of a just and fair society.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Temple of Divine Justice: The church of Midir in the realms.
  • Soldiers of Truth: Paladin order devoted to Midir.
  • Order of the Fair Representative: Liscensed lawyers who make an oath to Midir.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Midir must be Lawful. They are required to own a copy of the canon for Midir, which lays out the laws of science, and the laws of the world. It also discusses the various legal systems known to the sentient races. The vestments of Midir are dark grey robes, with a black phylactery, often adorned with runes of the First Laws.

Clerics of Midir swear an oath to uphold the Truth. To lie is considered a transgression before Midir, with the severity dependent on the nature of the lie. Minor transgressions might be simple white lies, where harmful obfuscations of the truth would be a major transgression requiring Atonement. This makes clerics of Midir either poor diplomatic company, or adept at changing the topic, in social situations.

Many clerics of Midir are required to serve some time in the courts of the lands.

Clerics of Midir cannot Turn/Rebuke Undead. Instead, they can Turn/Rebuke Chaotic Outsiders.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft

Favored Soul: Favored Souls of Midir are embodiments of law, and often act as vigilantes or bounty hunters with the blessing of the great Judicator. They must be Lawful. They gain +2 to saves versus Chaos spells and effects.

Paladin: Paladins of Midir can expend a Turn Undead attempt to gain Magic Circle of Protection from Chaos as a swift action. The protection lasts for 1 minute per Charisma bonus.

Illias (Deity)

  • Spheres: Light, Inspiration, Good Magic, Invention, Revelation
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Power: Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol: Silver Circle
  • Favored Weapon: Light Crossbow
  • Influence: Patron of inventors, gnomes, good magicians, and seekers.
  • Domains: Craft, Creation, Glory, Gnome, Inquisition, Mind, Oracle, Purification, Rune, Spell, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Artifice, Celestial, Deathless, Exorcism

Description: A bespectacled, serious looking male humanoid wearing bright, gleaming, silvery robes. His cloth belt is adorned with gadgets and devices of unfathomable function.

Lore and Knowledge: Illias is one of Enchantra’s offspring, and as such aids in aiding the flow of magic thru the Veil. Illias controls the flow of Good magic, and spontaneous revelation. The Lightbringer, and the Gadgeteer, he is said to have a bastion of power on the outer plane of Elysium. Illias is strongly devoted to the destruction of undead.

Followers: All good magic-users pay homage to Illias, as do inventors and scientists. He is one of the chief deities of the gnomes, who worship him as the Gadgeteer. Ghosthunters and other types who make a living destroying undead also have special reverence for Illias. Few Neutral or Evil beings worship Illias; most see him as a meddler in affairs.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Temple of the Guiding Light: Official church of Illias.
  • Paladins of the Guiding Light: Order of paladins devoted to Illias.
  • Inquistrix Dominix: Inquisitorial order of Illias, devoted to exposing evil and corruption.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Illias must be Good. Their vestments are light blue with white trim, and silver embellishments. Their vestments are typically enchanted to glow with a soft aura.

There is a canon for Illias, detailing the ways to thwart evil, and detect its nature in people and places. Clerics of Illias are required to be celibate (but not chaste).

Clerics of Illias may Turn Undead. They are required to be vigilant against undead, and to seek out and destroy the foul beasts whenever feasible. Clerics of Illias gain +1 to the DC for their spells against undead.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft, Spot, Search

Favored Soul: Favored Souls of Illias tend to be inquisitive and curious. They dislike the dark, usually seeking out well-lit places. They gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Will saves while in well-lit areas, but suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to Will saves when in darkness. They gain a +2 to Spot checks.

Paladins: Paladins of Illias turn undead as an equal level cleric. They can cast Light up to 3 times per day.

Hele (Deity)

  • Spheres: Oceans, Storms, Lightning, Rivers, and the Wind
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Power: Greater Deity
  • Symbol: Lightning Bolt
  • Favored Weapon: Trident
  • Influence: Patron of sailors, fishermen, seafolk, merfolk, and avians.
  • Domains: Cold, Mysticism, Ocean, Scalykind, Storm, Windstorm, Weather, Air, Water, Animal, Plant, Travel, Sky

Description: Hele is shown as a cruel looking woman, with avian wings, scaled arms and legs, and deep blue eyes. She wears a crown of pearls, and wields a trident in one hand, and a lightning bolt in the other. She’s adorned in a white toga, with a belt of aquamarine and silver.

Lore and Knowledge: Hele is a capricious, temperamental deity. She is the Wingwalker, the Skyrager, and the Tempest. Her moods change from calm and serene to angered and ferocious in a heartbeat. She at times is allied with the clerics of Sunia, and at times openly opposes them.

Followers: All races and folk who make their living off of the water, or sky, pay their due to Hele. Merchants and shipwrights make offerings for a good journey, and shipwrights dedicate their new vessels to the fickle goddess of the sea. Some Elementalists also worship Hele, for her power over Water and Air.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Temple of the Open Sea: The official church of Hele.
  • Druids of the Tempest: Druidic circle with dominion over the sky and waterways.
  • Barbarians of the Divine Bolt: Tribe of bezerkers who worship Hele.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Hele may not be Lawful. Hele is too capricious to be bound by strict order, and only those willing to open themselves to such nature can know her glory.

There is a canon for Hele, and it describes the greater glory of the Sky and Water, and their dominion in creation. It also describes the weather and patterns, granting a +2 circumstance bonus for Survival checks to determine the upcoming weather.

Vestments for Hele are white, blue, or green robes. Kelp, pearls, and aquamarine are all considered sacred to Hele, and their clerics often adorn themselves with these items, as well as colorful feathers and lightning-struck items.

Clerics of Hele cannot Turn/Rebuke Undead; instead, 3 + Charisma Modifier times per day they may Call Lightning from the heavens to strike their target. This bolt does 1d6 electrical damage per 2 levels of the cleric, Reflex save DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Charisma modifier for half damage. It may only be used outdoors. It is a full round action, or a standard action if it is raining, or a storm is present.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, Nature, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft

Favored Soul: Embodiments of the spirits of Air and Sea, Favored Souls of Hele tend towards wild emotional swings. They must be Chaotic. At home in water or the sea, they gain +2 to their Swim checks, and can hold their breath twice as long as normal (or double Swim MR if they are water-breathing). They also gain +10 to their Fly MR, if they are able to Fly.

Druids: Druids devoted to Hele can only select animal companions that can fly, or are aquatic. They gain 5 Lightning Resistance.

Enchantra (Deity)

  • Spheres: Magic, Discovery, Balance, Intelligence
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Power: Greater Deity
  • Symbol: Five-point Star
  • Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
  • Influence: Patron of some Elves, neutral magicians, scientists, psionicists.
  • Domains: Balance, Creation, Elf, Force, Gnome, Illusion, Mentalism, Mind, Oracle, Rune, Spell, Summoner, Knowledge, Magic, Artifice, Fey, Meditation, Transformation

Description: Enchantra is viewed by almost all cultures as a humanoid with elven features, bright glowing orbs instead of eyes, and feathery arms and legs.

Lore and Knowledge: The Maintainer of the Veil, Enchantra was spawned from Corbrin’s own chaotic self, wholly formed. It is she who is said to have sparked the magic of sentience in the modern races, and gave them the ability to rise up against the Dragon Lords who had enslaved them. The Great Magister herself is known to exist only in the great void surrounding Eninn.

Followers: All those who practice magic give homage to Enchantra, or one of her offspring. Scientists and many philosophers also view her as their own patrons. Followers of Enchantra can come from any walk of life, but rarely are of extreme alignments (Evil arcanists tend towards Nostalus, Good arcanists tend towards Illias).

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Church of the Veil: Official church of Enchantra.
  • Protectors of the Veil: Militant arm of the Church of Enchantra.
  • Delvers of the Great Secret: Secret organization devoted to plunging the depths of magic.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Enchantra must be partially neutral. Clerics of Enchantra tend to be considerably skilled spell casters. There is a canon for Enchantra, which details many mysteries of magic. Possession of the canon grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) checks. Vestments for Enchantra are used during special ceremonies and holidays, and are adorned with many stars. They consist of light blue robes, white phylactery, and silver or gold stars. Higher ranking clerics tend to adorn themselves with jewelry and gemstones such as sapphires or blue topaz, which are considered attuned to the goddess.

Clerics of Enchantra cannot Turn/Rebuke Undead. Instead, their power over the ebb and flow of magic allows them to apply their Charisma modifier as a penalty or bonus to the effective Caster Level of any target within 30 feet. No creature can be reduced to below a 1 for their Effective Caster Level. Activating this ability is a Swift Action, and lasts for 1 round. It may be used 3 + Charisma modifier times per day, and meets any requirements as Turn/Rebuke Undead would.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device

Favored Soul: Favored souls are beings infused with pure magic. They are adventurous, and enjoy seeking out undiscovered lands. Their affinity with magic allows them to Detect Magic at will.

Corrine (Deity)

  • Spheres: Mercy, Compassion, Healing, Love, Beauty
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Power: Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol: Olive wreath
  • Favored Weapon: Shortbow
  • Influence: Patron of healers, doctors, pacifists, and some artists.
  • Domains: Charm, Family, Renewal, Good, Protection, Healing, Life, Pleasure

Description: Images of Corrine show her as an utterly beautiful figure in white robes, or a toga, with an olive wreath crown.

Lore and Knowledge: The daughter of Sunia, Corrine is known as the Peacebringer, the Pacifist, and the Compassionate Beauty. She’s the embodiment of physical and emotional harmony. She is said to maintain court in the Elysium fields.

Followers: Many individuals make offerings to Corrine, for seeking love, marriage, or for settling arguments or differences. Those of lesser moral standing often seek out Corrine for physical beauty and charm, to further their own lot. Her flock is strongest in urban centers, though doctors and healers throughout the lands give Corrine her due.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Church of the Rose: The official church of Corrine.
  • Healer’s Order: Organization of traveling healers, who declare political neutrality.
  • Glamour Academy: Noble’s school devoted to teaching charm, grace, and beauty.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Corrine must be Good. They must also have a minimum Charisma of 12, and they cannot willfully take a sentient life, except in self-defense (or the defense of a companion). Even then they are expected to show mercy when possible. Many orders go a step further, requiring their followers to never take any animal or sentient life, at all.

Clerics of Corrine can Turn Undead. They also have the Sacred Healing (PHB II) Feat as a bonus Feat.

Clerics of Corrine are often called upon to perform marriage ceremonies, or marriage counseling. They also serve as healers and doctors for the communities that they are in.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft

Favored Soul: Favored Souls of Corrine are incredibly peaceable individuals, possessed of great beauty, and receive a +2 to Charisma, but have only simple weapon, and light armor Feats. They are typically slow to anger, merciful, even pacifistic.

A few Affiliations of Eninn

Affiliation Scale Capital Region Alignment Type Symbol
Arcane Guildtowers 12 Isle of Controlling Power Neutral (Varies) College Varies
Sword and Shield Association 10 Free State of Estonia Neutral Good Fighting Company Crossed Swords
Axebasher’s Guild 8 Bloodcoast Consortium Neutral Evil Fighting Company Axe and Shield
The Church of the Pure 10 Holy Empire of Astalon Lawful Good Temple Diamond
Fang of the Cobra Guild 10 Muriah Lawful Evil Spy Ring Cobra Fang
Druids of the Sacred Grove 8 The Great Untamed Neutral Druid Circle Oak Tree
Druids of the Tempest 8 Isle of Ravlos Neutral Druid Circle Twin Lightning Bolts
Order of the Arcane Fists 7 Isle of Controlling Power Neutral Fighting Company Circumscribed Fist
Celestial Knights 5 Holy Republic of Astalon Lawful Good Fighting Company Diamond & Sword
Fists of the Heavens 5 Holy Republic of Astalon Lawful Good Fighting Company Diamond & Fist
Inquisitus Divinicus 6 Holy Republic of Astalon Lawful Good Cabal Diamond & Hammer
Holy Republic of Astalon 11 Holy Republic of Astalon Lawful Good Government Diamond & Star
Crimson Cutpurses 4 Wetilla Chaotic Neutral Thieves’ Guild Crimson Coin
Order of the Stone Fist 7 Dwarven Clanlands Lawful Neutral Fighting Company Stone Fist
Tiger Claw Order 7 Bloodcoast Consortium Lawful Neutral Fighting Company Tiger Claw
Order of the Four Winds 7 League of Cities Lawful Neutral Fighting Company Whirlwind
Order of the Silken Sash 7 Free State of Estonia Lawful Neutral Fighting Company Silk Sash
Bardic College 11 League of Cities Chaotic Good College Lute
Order of the Hedge Wizards 8 League of Cities Neutral College Wand and Potion
Black Wolf Crew 6 Capaal Neutral Evil Thieves’ Guild Black Wolf’s Head
The Fire Knights 8 Blood Coast Lawful Good Fighting Company Sun & Morningstar

Corbrin (Deity)

  • Spheres: Chaos, the Elements
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Power: Greater Deity
  • Symbol: Multi-Point Star
  • Favored Weapon: Heavy Flail
  • Influence: Patron of Elementalists, Dragons, madmen.
  • Domains: Cold, Dragon, Madness, Scalykind, Storm, Windstorm, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Chaos, Destruction, Transformation

Description: Oft depicted as a shapeless, inky black void, with twinkling stars and feminine eyes of changing colors.

Lore and Knowledge: Corbrin has always been, and always will be. The very world of Eninn was created from Corbrin. She is the very embodiment of Chaos. She is the Wellspring, the Essence, and the Eternal. From her might springs all of magic, and ultimately life, though her existence threatens destruction and the void.

Followers: Humanoid followers of Corbrin are few; the majority of her flock consist of dragons, and their kin. Elementalists pay her great respect, but Corbrin meddles little in the world. All ethical alignments respect her, for she is the primeval deity, though the majority of her followers tend towards Chaotic.

    Affiliated Organizations:
  • Shrine of the Dragon: The official church of Corbrin.
  • Elementalists’ Cabal: Rivals to the Arcane Guildtowers, this semi-secret organization furthers the goals of Arcane Elementalists.
  • Heralds of Change: Devoted to chaos and disruption, this outlawed organization seeks to cause true anarchy in society, and the world, in a bid to return to the purity of the primal state.
  • Temple of the Great Void: Worshippers of the supreme essence of nothingness.

Class Information:

Clerics: Clerics of Corbrin must be Chaotic. There is no canon, and no required vestments. Clerics tend to wear gaudy attire of their own design, each attempting to outdo the next with symbols of their deity.

Clerics of Corbrin cannot Turn/Rebuke Undead. Instead, they can Turn/Rebuke Elementals. If another ability grants them the ability to Turn/Rebuke Elementals of a particular type, they do so at +4 Level (if a cleric of Corbrin has the Fire domain, they would Turn/Rebuke Fire Elementals as if they were 4 levels higher).

Clerics of Corbrin gain +2 to all Charisma based skills when dealing with dragons or dragon-kin.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft

Favored Soul: Marked with the very primordial essence of the world, Favored Souls of Corbrin are always Chaotic. They are immune to Confusion and similar effects.