Alternate Materials: Wood

  • Oak, Ash, Pine, Elm, etc.: Standard woods from across the realms. There is little difference between the types, typically.
  • Yew: A rare, natural wood that is stronger than most, and ideal for crafting tools and weaponry.
  • Stoutwood: Special trees, tended by Elven forest-keepers, produce Stoutwood. It is stronger than even Yew, and sought after for bows and crossbows.
  • Grovewood: The wood of trees found in a Dryad's grove is naturally imbued with their subtle magics.
  • Heartwood: The wood from the heart of a treant has many properties useful in crafting.
  • Ironwood: This Fey wood is as hard and strong as iron, hence its name. Some cultures have even used it in crafting armor.
  • Deeproot: Found in deep pockets of the elemental plane of Earth, this pliable, ropy wood is naturally impervious to acid.
  • Iceshard Stalks: Iceshard Kelp grows in great stands on the elemental plane of Water. The stalks from the kelp can be used to craft an assortment of tools, weapons, and shields.
  • Corpruswood: Favored by necromancers and the undead, Corpruswood comes from the few dried out, lifeless husks that dot the Negative material plane. It is infused with the life-draining energy of that plane.
  • Shadowwood: From the echoes of normal trees on the plane of Shadow comes shadowwood, a light, strong material with numerous special properties.
  • Lifewood: In the outer planes grow the eternal Life Trees. Undying, their wood continues to live on, and through magical means can be fashioned into self-sustaining tools and goods.
Game Effects
Wood General Effect Weapon Effect Armor Effect Craft DC Mod Hardness Hit Points
Oak, Ash, Elm, Pine, etc. None None None 0 5 10
Yew None +25% Range Bows/Crossbows None +2 6 12
Stoutwood 10% Lighter +50% Range Bows, +1 Dam Crossbows None +4 8 15
Grovewood None None +2 Saves (Resistance) +6 8 15
Heartwood None Bows/Crossbows: +1 Att (Inherent) Ammunition: +1 Dam +4 Saves (Resistance) vs. Death effects +8 8 15
Ironwood None Counts as Cold Iron for DR Can be used in place of any type of metallic armor; 50% lighter than equivalent metal armor +10 10 30
Deeproot Impervious to Acid None Can make Leather/Hide/Banded; Resist Acid 5 +12 8 40
Iceshard Stalks Impervious to Cold +1 Cold dam; x2 vs. Fire (and bypass DR) Shields: Resist Cold 10 +12 5 12
Corpruswood None +1 Negative energy damage Shields: Positive Energy Resist 10; Attackers in melee take 1 point of negative energy damage each round +15 5 15
Shadowwood 50% Lighter +50% Range, +1 Dam Shields: -2 Armor Check Penalty, Darkness 3/day CL 5; Armor: 1 category lighter, -4 Armor Check penalty, +2 Max Dex, -10% ASF (plate/banded/lamellar armors only) +20 5 10
Lifewood Heals 1 point/round Bows/Crossbows: +1 Att/Dam (Inherent) Ammunition: Entangle on the target (Reflex DC 20 to avoid, CL 10) Shields: bearer gets 1 free bash attack per round at highest BAB Armor (Leather/Hide/Banded/Plate/Lamellar): Wearer immune to Death effects +25 8 50