This is a breakdown of the political regions of the continent of Muriah.
Major Regions
League of Free Cities: The League of Free Cities is a loose collection of city-states in the North-East peninsula of the continent, composed mostly of the Dyninn Forest. It is a diverse, and dynamic region, where trade and commerce are highly valued.
OOC: Culturally, a standard Medieval European setting.
Bloodcoast Consortium: A hot and dry region on the west coast, it borders the Sandstorm Desert to its east. Sailors and mercenaries, the denizens are hardened from their many years of fighting the Ravlish barbarians from across the straits.
OOC: Arabic and Mediteranean cultures dominate.
Kingdom of Muriah: This small kingdom located in the center of the continent has managed to subjugate the rest of the nations. This region boasts the most developed education systems on the continent.
OOC: Babylonian and Roman similarities
Holy Republic of Astalus: A theocracy devoted to the worship of Astalus (and only Astalus), this land of plains and humble villages are the first line against the barbaric Orclands.
OOC: Culturally similar to the Byzantine empire, with a good mix of religious persecution.
Free States of Dynoria: This incredibly diverse region boasts democratic and emancipatory freedoms. Anyone and anybody can be found here.
OOC: Asian influence, though a true mixing pot of cultures.
Minor Regions
The Dwarven Clanlands: The dwarven lands of central Muriah. Small in area, but they host the best metalworkers in the lands.
The Lower Wold: Kingdom of dwarves in the frozen mountains of the Southern Spine.
The Elven Nations: Isolationist elves along the western coast, in the ancient forests of Myrrh.
The Great Untamed: A wild, sylvan area practically devoid of any settlements.
The Orclands: This ferocious region boasts hordes of monstrous humanoids, bottled up by the Great Wall.
Nevarine Combine: Halfling community strongly allied with the Kingdom of Muriah.
The Dalelands: A sleepy community of halflings in the far north-east.