- Capital: Freestone
- Government: Constitutional Monarchy
- General Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Population: ~35,000,000 (~70/sq. mile)
- Area: 500,000 sq. miles
- % Cultivated: 39% (~195,000 sq. miles)
- Major Cities/Capitals:
- Freestone: This large, teeming city is a vast melting pot of cultures and peoples.
- Sadhe Kiristi: An old city in the plains of Dynoria.
- New Dynoria: A young city built on the ruins of its predecessor, New Dynoria is a major shipping hub.
- Cities:
- Dunwiddie: Gnomish city of learning and science.
- Queshka: The last major city of the Ques, the native people of Dynoria.
- Point Naris: Lumber and shipbuilding city, it has a strong naval presence.
- Newland: A frontier city bordering the Great Untamed, it is popular as a refuge of those seeking their fortunes in the dangerous lands beyond.
- Castle Greystone: Once an equal part of the Tri-Cities (Dynoria, Greystone, Freestone), this city has yet to recover from the wars that ravaged its populace.
- Townships: Icehold, Port Jynn, Fisher's Folly, Medhe, Leah, Tertes, Intera, Whaler's Rest
Climate: Temperate, and dry throughout the steppe, the coast receives considerably more rainfall than the interior. Temperatures range from arctic extremes (-40 C) in the southern ranges in the winter, to 40 C at the height of summer in the northern steppes. The rainy season in spring brings monsoons that last the entire month of Nature's Hand. Autumn sees scattered rain showers, with summer being hot and dry, and winter being cold, windy, and dry with an occasional heavy snowfall. The coastal regions often experience severe blizzards in the winter. Tornadoes and duststorms are common in the interior of the region during the summer, and lightning storms often accompany the monsoons during the spring.
Geography: Situated in the southwest of the continent, the Free State is bordered by the Great Untamed and the Holy Republic of Astalus to the east, and the Nevarine Combine and Elven Nation to the north. The terrain is dominated primarily by the Dynorian steppe, with a small range of mountains to the south and a forested region in the west along the coast. Also, a great canyon named the Dry Pit lies conspicuously amidst the plains.
The Dry Pit is a dangerous place of wild and anti-magic, where few people return from. It is thought that an ancient evil resides there, and legends tell of it being the site of the final battle between the Gods and the Dragon-Lords. It is a deep canyon of rocky spires and craggy ravines.
History and Politics: The region was first settled by the Ques sometime in the Dawn of Man. Little is known of their origin, even amongst their own population. What is known is they developed a fairly advanced society throughout the southwest based on honor, loyalty, and the Great Spirits. Refugees flooded in during the Dawn of War, making the region a highly eclectic blend of cultures and tribes, which would set the tone for the region.
During the Mercenian Dynasty, the Ques were systematically conquered by the King's forces. A system of forced intermingling with invading settlers dissolved much of their ancient customs, though pockets survived. The city of Queshka remains a bastion of Ques traditions, architecture, and society.
The region is named after the conquering general, Chief Thrangol Dynor, who became the areas first prefect, or marquis, choosing the city of Dynoria as his capital. For the next several centuries, the region persisted as a miniature empire for the marquis under the feudal system. During the Rising of the Three, the region suffered the worst of the undead's assaults: the city of Dynoria - a thriving port estimated to house over 50,000 souls - was completely razed, and its population enslaved. Several other cities were destroyed or attacked; Castle Greystone survived, but saw most of its population dead through plagues and starvation, and the city proper destroyed.
After the three were defeated, the region was in turmoil. Those rulers who hadn't fled or been killed had often survived at the expense of their subjects. In each of the cities - now isolated and alone in the aftermath of the war - saw peasant revolts that quickly established democracies in various forms, based on plebian rule. Once trade and travel between the cities began, the cities formed an alliance of city-states which would persist until their defeat during the Age of Reunification.
After reunification, attempts to instill a feudal system were met largely with unrest and peasant revolts. The Edict of Self-Governance, issued in ER 1348, declared that the cities of Dynoria could form their own governing bodies, with their imperial representative being elected amongst their own number, who would give fealty to the King. This quelled much of the unrest, and the city-states quickly reverted back to their former democratic customs, though more standardized across the region.
Laws: Compared to other regions throughout Muriah, the laws and penalties in the Free States are fairly lenient. Most serious crimes (cavorting with demons, murder) incur banishment, or life imprisonment, with only the most heinous crimes awarding execution (treason, mass murder). Lesser crimes incur a modest fine, time in prison, or time at hard labor.
The court systems are overseen by the Church of Midir, though most cases are decided by a jury of peers. Each citizen is expected to perform their civic duty on the jury, as needed. Failure to report for duty is considered a fairly serious breach, and results in a fine and potential expulsion from the community.
Each citizen of a community is also expected to serve in their militia for two years upon reaching their maturity (16 for humans, equivalent for other races), with exceptions being rare (health, previous service provided, etc.). A modest stipend is paid for their time. Not all positions in the militia require patrol; many spend their mandatory two years as clerks, gophers, or assistants to the commanders. Service in the militia is a source of pride for most, an onus for others.
Economics: Being the second most populated region on the continent (the Holy Republic of Astalus being first), the area is a major market for traders the realms over. The Free States, with its lenient laws, has become a melting pot of cultures from others fleeing their own societies. Combined with fairly lenient laws and punishments, crime in many of the cities can be problematic, but when it comes to innovation and new products, the Free States is first.
Military and Clout: The Free States maintains only a small volunteer military force, but each city has a sizeable militia on hand, due to their policy of required service. And each citizen is typically at least trained in the use of weaponry. The Dynorian Navy is adequate for stopping most pirate raids, though they rely more on hiring mercenaries to seek out bandits and raiders typically.
The Free States have an ongoing border dispute with the Holy Republic of Astalus around the city of Intera, which has on occasion resulted in military standoffs and even an occasional violent outbreak. Frequent incursions into the Great Untamed has caused much strife with the Druidic Council, who often stages protests, demonstrations, and even sabotage. The Free States are on good terms with the Elven Nations, one of their major trading partners.
Politically, the Free States keep to themselves, and most other regions ignore them.