- Capital: Holly Spring
- Government: Elder’s Council
- General Alignment: Neutral Good
- Population: ~5,400,000 (80/sq. mile)
- Area: 67,500 square miles
- % Cultivated: 44% (30,000 sq. miles)
- Cities:
- Holly Spring: sprawling halfling city that serves as the capital of the Dalelands
- Townships: Journey’s End, Hermit’s Rest, Wavewatch, Goodview
Climate: The Dalelands has a mostly warm and dry climate, moderated somewhat by the ocean. Summers are very hot, with frequent violent thunderstorms, and the occasional typhoon. Autumn and winter is short, marked by rainfall, and the rare snowfall. Spring is dry, warm, and sunny.
Geography: The Dalelands consist entirely of rolling foothills, bordered to the north by Spire Mountains, to the south and west by the Dyninn grasslands, and to the east by the Endless Ocean.
History and Politics: Settled by some of the first halfling tribes following the Dragon wars, the Dalelands remained a quiet footnote in history. Holding little significant tactical or strategic value, it was ignored almost wholly during the schisms between the various factions of the Dyninn region. Even the forces of the Three largely ignored the region, preying instead upon the larger populations in the Dyninn region.
During the Reunification, a representative from the Kingdom of Muriah met at a special counsel of the Elders, and the Treaty of 1436 was struck, ensuring loyalty of the Dalelands to the empire.
The Elder Council of Holly Springs is the oldest continuous ruling body on the continent, serving little changed since the first halfling tribes settled the area. Representatives from each village, township, and city gather once every six months for a meet that lasts anywhere from one week to a whole month, depending on the issues to be resolved.
Laws: Laws in the region are upheld by constables in each township. Despite the egalitarian nature of the halfling communities, in practice, non-halflings are often treated more harshly than halflings, especially in cases of larceny or theft. A typical halfing punishment is a sentence of community service and perhaps a fine, paid to the party that was wronged. For a non-halfling, it might be exile or forced labor.
Violent and more serious crimes are almost always given the sentence of exile, either from the city or township, or the Dalelands as a whole, often enforced with a Mark of Justice or similar magical branding. Capital punishment is not practiced in the Dalelands.
Economy: Taxes in the Dalelands are wholly determined by the city or township. Tariffs are light to non-existent for imported goods, seeing as the region imports a fair amount of goods. The region exports fruits, vegetables, and various luxury goods including carved wood sculptures and jewelry.
In recent years, veins of silver and various gems have been discovered in the hills, which has caused a minor rush of prospectors to previously sleepy and ignored areas.
Military and Clout: The Dalelands have only a bare minimum of a military force; enough to police and protect their towns and farms from marauders, but insufficient to threaten any of their neighbors. Most citizens in the Dalelands participate in their town militias, but it is mostly a show of civic duty as to any real military training.