- Classification: Small City
- Population: 10,300
- Wealth: Moderate
- Major Industry: Wood Products, Raw Timber, Chemicals
- Specialty Goods: Smoke Powder, Venison, Stoutwood
- Populace Average Alignment: Neutral
- Leader Alignment: Neutral
- Government and Leadership: Feudal Monarchy, Duke Anton DunSinclair
Human: 79% | Half-Elf: 4% | Elf: 6% |
Dwarf: 1% | Gnome: 2% | Halfling: 6% |
Half-Orc: 1% | Other: 1% |
History: Andors began simply as a lumberyard at the wellspring of the Bys river, somewhere around EK 100. It would likely have remained as such, were it not for the destruction of the city of Oeur – a famous city of learning to the west – during the Rising of the Three. A large number of refugees flooded into Andors seeking shelter and swelling the town's population.
The majority of these refugees would never leave, and the city quickly became a center of industry and production. A sister city to Wetilla, the two have long engaged in friendly competition, and mutual assistance, in times of trouble.
The city is a major source of alchemical supplies and lumber for the region, if not the continent.
City Lore: Culture in Andors is practical: conservative dress rules the day. Even the court nobles tend towards utilitarian finery, which quickly marks them from those of the larger cities. Cuisine in Andors is extremely meat-heavy, supplied by the venison and pork farms, pheasant hunting, and various fisheries along the Bys river and its tributaries. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are widely available, but natives tend towards a hearty diet. There is a single playhouse in the city, showing mostly bawdier, more plebian shows.
Andors is predominately human, with a small smattering of other races. A small enclave of Shifters resides in Andors. The minority races are diffused throughout the city.
Crime tends towards drunken assaults and brawls, which are all too common in the cities numerous taverns. The local thieves’ guild, the Woodsmen, are enforcers and brutes with an extensive smuggling and protection racket. The local militia is rumored to be moderately corrupt, and focused mostly on protecting business interests from bandit activities outside the city. Numerous bandit groups try to make a living raiding the outlying lumbermills, though the vast majority meet an untimely end.
Andors has four Guildtowers: Nin (Enchantment), Lok (Necromancy), Arl (Evocation), and Bail (Abjuration). Temples devoted to Astalus, Astar, Bormir, Brunis, Chronos, Corrine, Illias, Midir, Ullis, Vergis, and Vesparta provide places for worship. The Sword and Shield and the Axe-Bashers both have guildhalls in the city.
Landmarks/Places of Interest:
- The Great Bronze Stump marks the center of the original city.
- Refugee's Memorial is a solemn shrine commemorating the refugees’ plight from the Rising of the Three.
- Great Trader’s Hall is a monolithic warehouse where commodities of all sorts are auctioned, traded, sold, and bought.