- Capital: Tourmaline
- Government: Feudal Monarchy
- General Alignment: Neutral (Pragmatic)
- Population: ~25,000,000 (~50/sq mile)
- Area: 500,000 sq. miles
- % Cultivated: 27% (135,000 sq. miles)
- Major Cities/Capitals:
- Tourmaline: Capital of the region, known for fine jewels and magic services
- Capaal: Renowned for the baths and natural springs; an ancient Elven city.
- Arborlon: This Elven capital is a hub of culture and art.
- Cities:
- Andors: Sister city to Wetilla; deals in logging and livestock.
- Wetilla: Lumber and woodmaking city; situated at the confluence of three rivers
- Eastbreak: Fishing and trading city; last port around the Cape of Hope.
- Farview: Primary trading port for the Dalelands.
- Port Hugis: Navy town, with extensive dockyards for ship construction.
- Port Farthis: Mining and sailing city; most inland port for the League.
- Niondel: Elven city; famous for silks. Home of the Silk Lords.
- Clydemaark: Human and dwarven city known for its river boats.
- Dun Morig: Dwarven city; major exporter of cold iron.
- Harborpost: Northernmost port city on the continent; vacation spot for rich nobles
- Townships: Fenwick, Arrowdale, Jenkin’s Hole, Alyn, Lind, Sailor’s Rest, Dun Vast, Tulis, Farport, Wending
Climate: Temperate, Warm. The Dyninn Forest area receives ample rainfall, with the Tuluvian Jungle being a true rainforest. Severe thunderstorms are common in the summer, and typically one or two major snowfalls in the winter. Fall and spring are mild, with considerable temperature variances.
Geography: The League of Cities is situated mostly amidst the great Dyninn Forest, named after the first Elven King of the region. Despite the sizeable population centers present, especially along the eastern coast, there are still vast tracts of unspoiled wilderness. The region has several strategic natural borders, protecting it from most invaders; namely the Black Marsh to the south, and the Knife Edge mountains, part of the Dwarven Clanlands. Ample grasslands serve as the region’s breadbasket, mostly around the capital of Tourmaline.
History and Politics: The League of Cities is a loose association of mostly isolated city-states of varying power: from mighty Tourmaline, Arborlon, and Capaal, down to the minor players of Wetilla, Andors, and Niondel, etc. The League came into existence in response to the threat of the Rising of the Three, around ER 1260, as a pact of common defense against that terrible terror. Despite this effort, the Three would ravage the Dyninn region, with many cities - such as Oeatrus, a major center of learning and history - being completely razed and lost.
Before, and after, the Rising of the Three, inter-city conflicts were common, especially between the main power centers of Capaal, Arborlon, and Tourmaline. The Kingdom of Muriah would play on these internecine struggles to force the region to declare fealty, but even now occasional border disputes strain relations between towns and cities. The region has also long been a hotbed of racial conflicts, mainly between the Clan dwarves and the Arborlonian elves, with the humans taking varying sides. These feuds have been quiet for centuries, but both races have long memories.
The League, or more specifically the cities within the league, have always been more interested in commerce than any other pursuit. The natives of this region are stereotyped as having a certain air of pragmatic self-interest. As such, mercantilism is the order of the day, and many of the main merchant guilds have considerable political clout in the region. The League has some of the most lenient business laws of all the regions, making it a strong area of innovation and development.
The pragmatic nature of the majority of the residents of the Dynnin also make them fairly tolerant (for good and ill). Second only to the Free States in diversity, almost anything and everything can be found or purchased at one of the cities here. All of the major races, and most of the minor ones, have enclaves or communities within the region. The Fey are common throughout the Dynnin, as well, as are many sylvan creatures.
Laws: Laws very slightly from city to city within the League, though major crimes are mostly standardized: murder, treason, arson, aggravated assault, etc. are all punishable by death. Lesser crimes very more widely, from a simple fine to extensive hard labor or forced incarceration. Occasionally banishment is given for a repeat offender of petty crimes. The courts are managed by the Temple of Divine Justice (Midir), to ensure fairness and justice, though clerics of Bormir also practice law.
Economics: Taxes are collected and enforced at the pleasure of the local ruling nobility, or village reave. They are often collected once per season. Some Duchies have road tolls for popular highways (and some con-men and bandits have attempted to set up their own 'tax stations'). Generally, though, taxes are relatively low in the region, as each duchy competes for commerce with the others. Any significant increase generally causes an exodus of merchants and wealth, and fewer coins in the pockets of the guildmasters.
Most municipalities have an organized thieve's guild, often tolerated by the governing body as a necessary evil. As long as they do not overstep their bounds, they are allowed to perpetuate their minor crimes. Banditry is a bigger problem: the vast areas of unsettled wilderness allow for many a bandit company to operate within the Dynnin.
The region is a major exporter of lumber and wood products, as well as gems, precious metals, and grains from the Dyninn grasslands. The region imports hard metals and a variety of other trade goods. Overall, the region is a net exporter of goods, providing a fair bit of wealth for the merchants settled there.
Military and Clout: The League of Cities is a fairly powerful force on the continent. The navy is second only to the Bloodcoast Consortium, and is experienced at stopping pirate excursions from farther south. The army focuses on mobility and skirmishing tactics, with much of their tactics and strategy taken from the Elves. They are well-equipped, as Dyninn bows are renowned throughout the kingdom.