- Classification: Large City
- Population: ~18,500
- Wealth: Moderate
- Major Industry: Trade, Wood Products, Raw Timber
- Specialty Goods: Mighty Bows, Fine Wines, Stoutwood
- Populace Average Alignment: Neutral
- Leader Alignment: Neutral
- Government and Leadership: Feudal Monarchy, Duke Charles DuMontis
Human: 74% | Half-Elf: 3% | Elf: 10% |
Dwarf: 1% | Gnome: 2% | Halfling: 8% |
Half-Orc: 1% | Other: 1% |
History: Wetilla was founded in EK 344 as a logging camp, and quickly grew into a sizeable trading post. Its ideal location at the conjunction of two rivers made it into a viable trade center between the old Elven capital of Arborlon, and the cities of Capaal and Tourmaline. The abundant forest and fertile land surrounding the city also provided plenty of industry and agriculture.
City Lore: Cuisine in Wetilla is typical Northeastern fare: pheasant, pork, roast tubers, stout breads, and several local wines, many of Elven influence. Wetillan cuisine also makes use of the bounty of fish provided by the confluence of rivers. Locals tend to be practical sorts, with many laying claims to more rural roots than most urban dwellers. Dress is commonly earth tones and greens, with conservative cuts and styles. Most residents carry or wear hats and parasols, as it rains fairly frequently.
Demographically, Wetilla is a human city, though with a sizeable population of Elves and Half-Elves. Being the gateway towards the Knife Edge Mountains, Wetilla sees a fair number of dwarven goods pass thru, along with dwarven merchants. Crime is moderate, in Wetilla. The Crimson Cutpurses run the show. They are a flamboyant lot, and avoid violent crimes, preferring protection rackets, petty theft, and burglary.
Wetilla has only two Guildtowers, but a large wizard population for the city’s size. Enchantment and Conjuration services are available. The main Church is of Sunia, with other temples devoted to Solis, Sunia, Vesparta, Astalus, Corrine, Midir, Bormir, and Tethos. The Bardic College is quite sizeable, serving Wetilla and outlying areas. The two warrior’s guilds have a tense rivalry. The Sword and Shield Association is larger, and better organized, than the Axebasher’s Guild, but the latter has recently acquired considerable manpower.
Landmarks/Places of Interest:
- In the city square, a statue commemorating the battle of Archer’s Glade depicts a lone ranger drawing his bow against an unseen opponent.
- The Tavern of the Rising Sun is reputed to be one of the best in the region.