- Classification: Medium City
- Population: ~12,000
- Wealth: Moderate
- Major Industry: Trade, Metal Goods, Paper
- Specialty Goods: Clydemaark Stout, River Boats, Exceptional Weapons
- Populace Average Alignment: Neutral
- Leader Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Government and Leadership: Feudal Monarchy, Duke Gerus Clydeson
Human: 72% | Half-Elf: 1% | Elf: 4% |
Dwarf: 10% | Gnome: 6% | Halfling: 5% |
Half-Orc: 1% | Other: 1% |
History: Founded sometime around EK110 by a joint expedition of the Clydeson and Maarks clans from the Dwarven Clanlands, Clydemaark was to be a trading post for the dwarves with the then nascent human cities in the region. Its founding was resisted heavily by the Arborlorian elves to the north, who attacked the city on several occasions. Aid from Muriahan mercenaries, and human allies in the region thwarted the attacks, and relations between the Clanlands and the Northern Elves would remain sour for centuries.
The city would grow slowly, due to the attacks, and not become the industrial city that it is now until much later, after the Great War when the call for weapons and other iron goods was high.
City Lore: Travelers to Clydemaark say you can smell the city long before you see it. Fumes and smoke from the abundant smithies, forges, and refineries cause a fair bit of pollution that taints the air for a few miles around the city. The city itself has a unique skyline of towering smokestacks, arranged mostly along the river which bisects the city. Having been founded originally by dwarves, the city has extensive underground developments; it is said you can travel from one side of the city to the other completely underground.
Though originally founded by dwarves, Clydemaark is now a predominately human city, though with a large dwarven population. It is famous for its good beer, fine metal arms and armor, and strange river barges that belch smoke and fire.
The city is home to three guildtowers: a tower of Arl (Evocation), Vas (Transmutation), and Jur (Divination), along with temples devoted to Astalus, Midir, Solis, Corrine, Ullis, Bormir, and Vergis.
Landmarks/Places of Interest:The Great Bronze Arch straddles the Kaer Bys river.
The Hammer and Anvil marketplace is the place to look for exotic weapons and armors.
The Smokehouse is a great dining hall that is extremely popular with visitors.