Paragon City (Capital)

  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Population: 212,000
  • Wealth: Wealthy
  • Major Industry: Government, Education, Philosphy
  • Specialty Goods: Psionic Items, Titles of Nobility
  • Populace Average Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Leader Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Government and Leadership: Feudal Monarchy, King Theodotus Legatus III, Earl of the City Clesius Ordinatio
Human: 74% Half-Elf: 4% Elf: 2%
Dwarf: 3% Gnome: 5% Halfling: 11%
Half-Orc: <1% Other: <1%

History: Around EH600, the nomadic tribes of Huri settled next to the Great Lake (which is now called the Lake of Kings), in the city of Sul-Lag (literally "On the Lake"). From here, they would slowly grow, absorbing the rival tribes, and expanding the great city. When the tribes were united, the city became the great focal point of the One Tribe, and would ever more devote itself to the rule of the continent.

The city itself has grown almost continuously. Each of the chieftains, kings, or emperors who have resided in the city have tried to leave their own mark, so the city abounds with memorials, statues, and decoration. Many even survive despite the almost near destruction of the city during the Great Seige.

During the time of the Rising of the Three, the city was assaulted. And though it held, nearly two thirds of the population perished. The city would rise from the ashes, and be rebuilt during the Age of Reconstruction, but it wouldn't attain its granduer until after the wars of reunification, when the coffers once again filled with the tithes of other lands. Today it stands a wholly made monument to the willpower and single-mindedness of the Muriahan people, to dominate and rule over the continent.

City Lore: Paragon City, or the Imperial City, is a wonder of architecture. Every building is done in a classical brown-gray shale, and the wide paved streets make the entire place fit for a King. Towers and faux-castles abound, as each edifice attempts to be a statement of grandeur in this wondrous city. Cleanliness is important as well; the teams of city janitors set to work early in the morning most days to maintain the pristine appearance of the city.

However, there is an air of unfulfilled greatness: many of the enormous structures are mere facades, empty and barren. Most of the populace lives on the vast residential areas, and sprawling suburbs, outside of the city center. The Grand Avenue, with its larger-than-life temples and centers of learning, can seem soulless and empty.

The city is laid out with the epicenter being the King's Palace. Leading up to the palace is the Grand Avenue, lined with enormous temples devoted to each of the major legal religions, the arcane guildtowers, and various centers of philosphy. Along the back alleys of the Grand avenue can be found guild halls for every substantial guild, such as the Sword and Shield, the Axe Bashers, the Order of the Mind, etc, as well as a variety of noble residences and palaces. Sprawling out from the Grand Avenue, past the Imperial Walls, spills the city proper like some sort of alluvial fan, housing residences and markets, commerce and living space for legal residents of the city. Ever changing as buildings are torn down to be rebuilt in the newest fashion, and streets constantly being redirected to accomdate the latest fancy of some bureacrat, even long-time residents of the city can have difficulty finding their way around. It is a place of considerable activity and commerce. It is contained by the original city walls of the old city. Beyond these walls lies the sprawling suburban zone, unconstrained it spreads outwards, slowly advancing on the farmland beyond. This is where those who have not gained permanent residence status with the city must live.

The weather in Paragon City is temperate. The lake effect moderates both the summer and winter, making for mild seasons. The only complaint residents have is of the strong winds that can blow, especially during the shoulder seasons, and the abrupt changes in weather that can occur. Some magical attempts at mollifying these patterns have been attempted, but for reasons unknown none have been wholly successful.

Paragon City is policed heavily by the Order of the Mind. Adepts in the psionic arts are constantly on the lookout for seditious or criminal behavior. This has resulted in a fearful, paranoid feeling most residents have learned to live with. The populace is expected to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

The duty of governing the city is delegated to the Earl of the City, one of the King's many advisors, Clesius Ordinatio. He is rumored to be more concerned that the wagons flow in and out of the city in a timely manner than with the general welfare of the city's residents, he has held his position for several years now. Each Earl of the City often reorganizes the layout of the city's market streets, but Clesius has completely revamped the layout of the city proper, and the surburia zones, to such an extent. It is said no street, alley, or avenue has been left untouched by his architects.

Residents of Paragon City are granted a special monthly stipend for living in the city, paid from the King's coffers from the tithes the region receives. Nominally, it is to fund their education and health, but many have taken to living solely on the stipend. It is difficult, however, to become a legal resident of the city, requiring either substantial forgery of a birth record, or to legitimately have relatives living in the city. Every year, however, a lottery is held to allow new residents to take up living legally within the city proper. For everyone else, they make their home in the suburbia.

Landmarks/Places of Interest:

  • The King's Palace - Every day thousands of tourists flock to take in the wonder of architecture and engineering of the King's palace. And nobles crowd the great chambers hoping to advance their station with a (usually brief) audience with the King.
  • The Grand Tomb - The tomb of kings is an ancient mausoleum devoted to the final resting place of each of the great kings, tracing their ultimate heritage (in one way or another) to the progenitor, Chief Huri XV, the first king.
  • The Golden Eye - This enormous statue of a single, gold eye represents the Order of the Mind's watch over the citizens of the city, to protect it (critics ask: from whom?) and remain vigilant.
  • Various Memorials, Statues, Etc. - Many statues and edifices remain from even before the Great Seige, and there are no less than 12 monuments devoted to the Great Seige itself, commemorating events large and small, men and women famous and forgotten. Museums also abound in the city, chronicling the history of everything from warfare to pottery.