During the cataclysm, the Dragons were the first sentient race created by the Gods. They would be their foot soldiers in the war with the elements. To lead these forces, the Gods created champions – the Dragon-Lords. They were beings of immense power, these avatars, but sentient and having their own free-will.
Enchantra also blessed other creatures with the gift of sentience. These beings are now called the pre-cursors. The Dragon-lords, after having defeated the great Elemental masters, set about subjugating these new races, forming great empires devoted to their own worship. Their rule lasted for thousands of years, during which the time the Dragon-Lords warred with one another in great individual battles of might and magic.
The Dragon WarsOver time, the pre-cursor races chaffed under their enslavement, but any uprisings were brutally put down. Still, a great secret organization thrived for the eventual overthrow of the Dragon-Lords. At the sign of a great comet in the sky, the united forces of the pre-cursor race rose up against their overlords.
The war that raged lasted for a century. Entire pre-cursor races were extinguished, along with their Dragon-Lords, as not only pre-cursors fought Dragon-Lords, but Dragon-Lords fought one another, and loyal pre-cursors fought rebellious pre-cursors.
In the final battle, the last of the Dragon-Lords was struck down, at the cost of thousands of lives. The magic unleashed by his death would cause irrevocable changes to some members of the pre-cursors, who would one day become the Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Ogres, and other sentient races.
The dragons themselves disappeared for centuries, retiring to parts unknown in the great wilderness of the world. The pre-cursors, finding themselves suddenly free, spread out into the wilderness, to form the modern races of the day.