Era of Reason: Age of Reconstruction

After the Three had been destroyed, the various duchies, baronies, and municipalities splintered into smaller, self-governed kingdoms. There were more than 100 separate kingdoms throughout the lands at the most fractured time. This was mostly due to the severe depletion on infrastructure and population; communication with other locations was for many impossible.

During this period, the population slowly began to recover what was lost. Wilderness reclaimed many ruins, and several cities razed during the time of the Three were never resettled, nor found, but several cities were rebuilt: Andors in the north, Faith and Divinity in the south, and Tesselpact in the central region. Arborlon came out of its magical seclusion, to a world wholly devastated. They would serve as a hub for rekindling magical research in the lands, though much of their lore was spirited off to the newly founded Castle of Controlling Power.

Often this period is known as the Dark Ages, due to the lack of new development that occurred, and the barbarism cultures teetered on following the Three. Undead were still a common threat, as were other monsters from the wilderness created in the great magical wars. Bandits and brigands held minor kingdoms of their own. It was a very dangerous time.